HANWASH is Fundraising to Help the Commune of Leogane!

by | Jul 30, 2024 | Voices

HANWASH is Fundraising for Cash and Rotary DDF Donations to Help the Commune of Leogane!

Our mission is to bring clean water and sanitation to the people of Haiti and we’re doing it one commune at a time.


Haiti National Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Initiative (HANWASH)


HANWASH is working with Rotary Districts, Volunteers and partners that have a passion towards building a better future for Haiti!

“Our dream is to bring potable water and good sanitation to the entire country of Haiti”.

The HANWASH team has engaged with DINEPA to identify the communes of Cavaillon, Ferrier, Terre-Neuve, Leogane, and Pignon as areas of focus as our pilot areas to work in. HANWASH is moving forward with these communes under its mission to develop and implement business-based best practices for public and private collaborations to build capacity in local communities to deliver thoughtfully managed and sustainable clean water and sanitation to all the citizens of Haiti.

Currently, HANWASH in partnership with District 5130 and The Rotary Club of Leogane is fundraising for Cash and Rotary DDF donations to help the commune of Leogane! The commune of Leogane has a rich and unique culture, offering much in the way of arts, music, literature, cuisine, and architecture.

Since 2018, the Rotary Club of Leogane has worked closely with the utility operator, CTE, providing support for pump repair, motorcycles for monitoring water points, collecting payments from clients, and fuel purchases. With this US$385,000 Global Grant, new investments would be made in a hybrid electric (solar and commercial AC) pump, repair of leaking water pipes, inspections and repairs as needed for water meters and valves, cleaning of a current water tank, collection of monitoring and evaluation data, improved security system, and management training. By providing better service, revenues should increase, and with solar power operations will be more environmentally friendly too. With initial capital costs covered by Rotarian, club, and district donations to this Grant, the Leogane Municipal Water System Operator will be able to provide clean drinking water to their customers at an affordable rate that covers operations, maintenance, repairs and replacement costs. It is essential to keep clean water clean, so this project will include sanitation and hygiene training for the community starting with schools to reach children and social media to reach adults in the community.

The Rotary Club of Leogane is well-regarded in the community with a long history of philanthropy and service, which can help bring citizens, municipal government, and financial/technical partners to the table for dialogue and decisions. This important part of our project infuses ownership of the project by the local Leogane residents. If your Rotary Club would like to contribute cash or your District has extra District Designated Funds (DDF) that you could donate towards this Global Grant we would very much appreciate it and would put it to great use!

We have raised $300,000 on our goal of $385,000. Please help us continue our mission – to bring clean water and sanitation to the people of Haiti. Contact Executive Director Ryan Rowe at ryan.rowe@hanwash.org for information on the Leogane Global Grant and other programs that we are working on in Haiti.

If you are not involved with a Rotary Club but want to help and get involved, we welcome that and encourage you to contact our Executive Director Ryan Rowe.

Together We Stand for Haiti!


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