Celebrating Women’s History Month: The Strength and Struggles of Haitian Women

by | Mar 24, 2025 | Voices

Women’s History Month is a time to honor the achievements, resilience, and contributions of women around the world. While progress has been made in many areas, women in certain regions continue to face significant hardships. Haiti, the first independent Black republic and the site of a revolutionary struggle against colonial rule, has a long history of strong, resilient women. However, Haitian women continue to endure severe challenges, from gender-based violence and economic inequality to political instability and lack of access to healthcare, education, and clean water.


The Legacy of Haitian Women

Haitian women have played a crucial role in the country’s history. During the Haitian Revolution (1791–1804), figures like Catherine Flon, who is credited with sewing Haiti’s first flag, and Marie-Jeanne Lamartinière, a fearless fighter in battle, demonstrated the power and bravery of Haitian women. In the years following independence, women continued to contribute to Haiti’s cultural, social, and political landscape.

Despite their resilience, Haitian women have faced systemic barriers for centuries. In the 20th and 21st centuries, feminist leaders such as Yvonne Hakim Rimpel, Myriam Merlet, and Magalie Marcelin fought for women’s rights, advocating against gender-based violence and discrimination. Tragically, some of these women lost their lives due to their activism, highlighting the dangers that female leaders face in Haiti.


The Reality for Haitian Women Today

Today, Haitian women continue to experience gender-based violence, with reports of widespread sexual violence increasing in the wake of political instability and natural disasters. According to the United Nations, many Haitian women and girls, especially in displaced communities, are at high risk of violence and exploitation.

Economic opportunities for women remain scarce, as many are relegated to informal sectors such as street vending or domestic work, often without legal protections or fair wages. Women-headed households, which make up a significant portion of Haitian families, struggle to secure stable incomes and access basic services.

Education is another challenge. While progress has been made in increasing school enrollment rates for girls, financial constraints and safety concerns often force families to prioritize boys’ education over girls’. Limited access to reproductive healthcare further complicates women’s ability to make decisions about their own bodies and futures.

One of the most pressing issues facing Haitian women and girls is the lack of access to potable water. In many communities, the burden of fetching water falls on women and girls, requiring them to walk long distances to collect water from often-contaminated sources. This daily task prevents many girls from attending school and limits women’s ability to work or engage in economic activities, further perpetuating cycles of poverty and gender inequality.


The Fight for Change

Despite these challenges, Haitian women continue to fight for justice and equity. Grassroots organizations such as Manman Troll, a non-profit in Cite-Soleil; the Commission of Women Victims for Victims (KOFAVIV) which provides support for survivors of gender-based violence; and SOFA (Solidarite Fanm Ayisyen) advocates for women’s rights and economic empowerment. Haitian women are also stepping into leadership roles, working to challenge the deeply ingrained patriarchal structures in politics and society. In Rotary, our current District 7020 Governor Dominque Bazin is another example of women in leadership.


How to Support Haitian Women

For those looking to support Haitian women during Women’s History Month and beyond, consider donating to HANWASH. Providing easily accessible potable water will give women the opportunity to possibly seek employment and for girls in Haiti, the ability to attend school and gain an education.
Women’s History Month is a reminder that the fight for gender equality is far from over. By recognizing the strength of Haitian women and supporting their fight for justice, we contribute to a more equitable and empowered future for all women.