If we go ahead now, how long will it take to get the named well?
Once a commitment is made, the name of the community you are supporting should be available within two weeks. If a community drops out of the training (it occasionally happens), this would change.
Where will our well be?
The well will be in one of the seven communes (municipalities) in Haiti that are participating in HANWASH.
When would that well be in operation to start the distribution of water to people?
The process from start to finish is typically 4-5 months – sometimes as little as 3 months.
Who would be responsible for the maintenance / upkeep?
Every community undergoes a lengthy training process with the goal of the community being able to successfully manage the well on their own. The training process transforms the mindset of the community into one where they recognize that THEY themselves are responsible for the well, and then helps them create a business plan for managing the well over the long term. After your support covers the initial set-up costs, each family in the community will pay a monthly subscription to the well (generally around $0.70 US per month per family). This small revenue is generally sufficient to manage and maintain the well over time.

Cavaillon Supporters
DONOR: Rotary Club of Minneapolis Uptown (USA) (ex-HANWASH)
AMOUNT: $20,000
STATUS: Well Inaugurated on May 24, 2021
DONOR: Helene and John Vollmer (Canada)
AMOUNT: $20,000
STATUS: Well Inaugurated on May 23, 2021
DONOR: Rotary Club of East Nassau
AMOUNT: $20,000
STATUS: Wellhouse being built. Inauguration scheduled for May 2023.
DONOR: 3 Rotary Clubs of British Virgin Islands (Tortola, Road Town, Sunrise of Road Town)
LOCATION: Karoline
AMOUNT: $25,000
STATUS: Well scheduled to be redrilled.
DONOR: Rotary Club of St Thomas II
AMOUNT: $20,000
STATUS: Well scheduled to be redrilled.
DONOR: Rotary Club of Bahamas
LOCATION: Bricourt
AMOUNT: $20,000
STATUS: Well house is being built. Inauguration scheduled end of April 2023.
DONOR: Rotary Club of Central Cayman
AMOUNT: $25,000
STATUS: Well house on scheduled to be built in mid-2023.
Rotarians, we need your help!
You can help make this a reality!
One community at a time, Rotarians in Haiti are advocating for locally elected officials to transform their country for the better. A new HANWASH Global Grant offers another chance for Rotarians everywhere to be part of the story.
The municipality of Cavaillon is a largely rural area, home to 50,000 people in southwest Haiti. It has a vibrant Saturday market and rolling lush, green hills that produce juicy mangoes and high-quality vetiver oil, a raw material used to produce luxury perfume. Most households are supported by subsistence farming and about 65% of the population lacks access to safe water and even more lack access to sanitation.
The HANWASH program in Cavaillon is inspiring Haitians who dream of a better future. After a devastating earthquake hit the region in August, water from HANWASH wells continued to flow, offering hope to displaced citizens they could rebuild in the place they call home. Our vision is to reach 100% coverage in Cavaillon within five (5) years in partnership with the mayor’s office and other local and regional authorities.
Madame Alexandre has worked with Haitian Rotarians and Rotaractors since 2019. As a leader, she encourages citizens to work towards cleaner, healthier communities and participate in building, operating, and maintaining local water and sanitation infrastructure. Their responsibility includes building their own latrines, joining volunteer water committees, and paying modest fees for WASH service to cover expenses and leave enough for repairs. These community contributions are essential for sustainability.
Under a previous HANWASH Global Grant, wells were inaugurated in Madame Alexandre’s section delivering water to 200 families in four (4) villages and leading to sanitation coverage for 90% of homes.
The HANWASH program supports local leaders and meets or exceeds TRF guidelines for WASH Global Grants. Haitian Rotarians act as “Ambassadors” and directly engage local stakeholders in a data-driven “Commune Action Planning” process. This advocacy and governance process ensures authentic demand and ownership in prioritizing investments with funding and technical support from Rotary, HANWASH, and our partners.
Would you consider joining our next Global Grant.
<< Contact box at left will send your message to our Adopt-A-Well Committee
Lindsey Cancino, PAG
Delma Maduro, PDG 7020