For Haitians around the globe, the new year begins with a cherished tradition: Soupe Joumou. This hearty pumpkin soup is more than just a meal; it is a symbol of freedom, resilience, and unity. Commemorating Haiti’s independence on January 1, 1804, and rumoured to have been the creation of leader of the revoution and first emperor Jean Jacques Dessalines’ wife, Marie-Claire Heureuse Félicité Bonheur Dessalines. The tradition states that Félicité encouraged the entire country to finally enjoy and savour the soup that they had long been forbidden by their enslavers. Soupe Joumou brings families and communities together to honor the struggles and triumphs of their ancestors.
As Haitians share this dish, they also share hopes for a brighter future. Soupe Joumou serves as a reminder of Haiti’s rich cultural heritage and the strength that comes from solidarity. In a world filled with challenges, this tradition is a powerful testament to the enduring spirit of the Haitian people.
As the world ushers in 2025, Haiti finds itself at a crossroads. The challenges of recent years remain fresh in the minds of its people, yet the new year carries with it the promise of hope and renewal. This moment provides an opportunity to reflect on Haiti’s journey and envision the possibilities that lie ahead.
2024 was a year marked by adversity. Violence, political instability and economic challenges continued to test the resilience of the Haitian people. Yet, amidst these trials, the spirit of Haiti’s citizens shone brightly. Grassroots organizations worked tirelessly to address immediate needs, from providing food and shelter to organizing community-led education initiatives. The creative arts and cultural expressions—a cornerstone of Haiti’s identity—reminded the world of the nation’s enduring strength and creativity. Global organisations stepped up with long term solutions, such as the initiative by Hanwash to provide water, sanitation and hygiene eventually to the entire country.
The Role of the Global Community in 2025
The nation has had a Kenyan-led, UN-backed Multinational Security Support (MSS) in place since 2023, to help the police combat violence by criminal gangs based in the capital, Port-au-Prince. The Haitian people have made significant efforts to develop on-the-ground solutions for their future governance.
Haiti’s journey forward is not one it can undertake alone. The international community has a critical role to play in providing humanitarian aid, technical expertise, and fair-trade opportunities. However, the emphasis must be on partnerships that empower Haitian-led solutions rather than perpetuate dependency.
While the road ahead is undoubtedly challenging, 2025 holds the promise of progress. The resilience, creativity, and determination of the Haitian people are powerful forces for change. By building on the lessons of the past and focusing on inclusive and sustainable development, Haiti can transform adversity into opportunity.
As the new year unfolds, let us stand with Haiti in solidarity, celebrating its rich heritage and supporting its pursuit of a brighter future. The world has much to learn from Haiti’s unyielding hope and strength.